There are many organizations in Kenya that cater for persons with disabilities in many different capacities. These organizations include:
The Kenya Association for the Intellectually Handicapped (KAIH)
KAIH is a membership based organization focusing on programs and initiatives that recognize the rights, meaningful participation and full inclusion of Persons with Intellectual Disability and their families in all aspects of life.
KAIH has been committed for over 20 years in promoting these rights and it represents over 3000 members in 10 countries, having trained at least 9,700 persons who are the families, the representatives from the judiciary, executive, legislative assembly, various ministries in the government and civil societies.
Users and Survivors of Psychiatry Kenya (USPK)
USPK is an organization that is a national membership whose major objective is to promote and advocate for the rights of people with mental health issues and conditions (people with psychosocial disabilities). USPK is affiliated with the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP) and the Pan-African Network of people with Psychosocial Disabilities (PANPEP). Another organization that focuses on persons with disabilities is Women Challenged to Challenge (WCC), this is an organization that works on the premise inclusivity of the various types of disabilities i.e deaf, blind, physical, albinism, intellectual, psychosocial disability etc.
Over 1300 women and girls living with disabilities across the 47 counties in Kenya have so far registered with the organization. The organization also seeks to improve lives of women with disabilities through capacity building, awareness raising and advocacy and development programs.
United Disabled Persons of Kenya (UDPK)
UDPK is another organization that seeks to increase the authenticity and capacities of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and persons with disabilities to effectively represent and advocate for their rights at national and county levels. It is also geared towards strengthening the OPDs to meet their mandate of advocating and demanding for their rights and services as Kenyan and citizens of their country from service providers. Another objective is to strengthen the capacity of OPDs to effectively monitor the rights of persons with disabilities.
Short Stature Society of Kenya (SSSK)
SSSK is a non-profit organization that provides support and information for Persons living with the condition of Dwarfism.
The Northern Nomadic Disabled Persons Organization (NONDO)
NONDO is a disabled Person’s Organization that advocates for the rights, inclusion and participation of disabled persons in nomadic counties and communities in Kenya. NONDO works in 12 nomadic counties with its thematic areas being education, health and rehabilitation, social and economic empowerment. The organization strives to create a voice and space where people living with disabilities in nomadic communities can live meaningful lives and the society progresses. Other aspect of this organization is to expose them to media engagement and litigation through legal processes. The cross-cutting agenda of NONDO includes the environment, old age, child protection, gender, peace and integration.
Albinism Society of Kenya (ASK)
The other organization that deals with persons with disabilities is the ASK, a national Civil Society Organization. It was established in June 2006 to seek social inclusion and enhance the self-esteem of Persons with Albinism. ASK also exists to facilitate access to accurate and authoritative information about albinism and to provide a place where people with albinism and their families, in Kenya, can find acceptance, support and fellowship. This is done through the creation of awareness of their rights, social inclusion, socio-economic opportunities and empowerment, provision of sunscreen lotion and prescription glasses and general management of their health.