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Inclusion and its effect on Self advocacy

The consequence of exclusion is psychological

A green post it with the words '' Self Advocacy, Know yourself, Know what you need, Know how to get it'' | © Unsplash

Self Advocacy (Unsplash)

Earlier this year I took a trip around my home town of Nakuru with the intent of assessing the state of accessibility for persons with disabilities. I had arrived at this decision after spending countless hours under the scorching sun because not many places had been considerate of wheelchair users or people with other physical challenges. My findings were quite shocking as the reality of our society revealed itself.

The consequences of not accommodating all people goes beyond the failure to build ramps or implement standard sized doors that allow wheelchair or crutch users to access  areas freely. The real consequence of exclusion is psychological. Making a particular group feel like they are outcasts has tremendous effects about how they feel about themselves.

Seldom will you find too many persons with disabilities  who are passionate about advocating for their rights, articulating their thoughts and feelings. They will often live down to the standards that society has set for them because sadly, those standards are all they know.

Persons with disabilities  need to find a voice for themselves and they need to do this as unapologetically as possible. Self advocacy is the process of being able to confidently articulate your thoughts and feelings in a way that will lead to positive results. The state of inclusion in our country is not bad but it isnt great either. The final push towards a positive change will most likely be instigated by our willingness and readiness to rally behind each other and support this cause that is integral to our well being.

For us to get there, we need to forge paths that have been less travelled in the past. There is a need to educate ourselves and become more self aware of the issues that surround and affect our community. It is counterproductive on our part to simply sit and expect that things will change with out us having to raise even a finger. More so, we need to identify the solutions to our problems.

The self belief and confidence required to undertake self advocacy are qualities that have been relatively absent in majority of the  persons with disabilities community. Feelings of low self esteem have underpinned most of our lives and in my opinion, i think it all goes back to the lack of proper inclusion.

In this case, all of us have an active role to play in the promotion of self advocacy. Persons without disabilities need to look within themselves, rectify any biases or prejudice that they might be having against persons  with disability.They need to offer equal opportunity and treat every individual objectively. Levelheadedness is a quality we should all seek to attain.

Persons with disabilities on the other hand need to be more pro active about tackling their issues and breaking historical stereotypes. We do not have to settle for the seat at the back because that is where we have always been told to sit. We must take initiative and challenge ourselves despite the odds being stacked against us sometimes. Our voice needs to be heard, our stories have to be told.

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