Navigating with difficulty in every aspect of his life, Joseph, popularly known as DJ skyllah is among the upcoming DJs in Kenya. His passion and love for deejaying is beyond words but just like the rest of other Kenyans, he finds it difficult to transform thoughts and ideas into action.
Having cerebral palsy makes it even more challenging’ for him to market his brand Skylla Entertainment. Although he is now gaining global recognition and he is slowly making a name to himself, his journey to deejaying has not been easy.
Starting up a business in Kenya has its own challenges especially when one is a person with disability. Lack of faith and trust in your ability to deliver is one hindrance that Joseph has fought with zealous spirit backed up with determination. Discrimination raising because of the form one’s disability is killing many young vibrant innovators and upcoming entrepreneurs.
The society's perception towards persons with disability is that they can’t do anything. Imagine living with cerebral palsy and most of the time having to depend on your friends and family members to take care of you, including feeding you. Thus few will believe in your ability to play a mixer and thrive in very competitive deejaying industry using one toe of your feet.
His mother has played a big role in supporting his deejaying career, at the time when he had nothing but a burning desire to make Skyllah Entertainment known to the world. Getting capital to funding this project was not easy, given that banks and other money lending institution hardly give out loans to persons with disability without security, and majority cannot afford it because of their level of poverty and poor living conditions.
Joseph notes that lack of education is a major concern that need to be addressed as soon as possible although he is among the few lucky persons with disability, who have had the opportunity to set a foot in a classroom. He knows the importance of education. Lack of basic knowledge to manage your business is what is crushing many businesses even before they start. Knowledge on how to source for raw material and how to manage your credit is very crucial in running a successful business.

Deejaying work does not require a lot because it is more of acquiring skills through training and anybody can learn those skills. Using his story as an example joseph believes that there are many like him out there whom given the chance they can be the next Chris Kirubi. Training persons with disability will not only help them in their technical and vocational skills but also to be independent in the future. He believes that the only way to pull yourself out of poverty is through venturing into businesses and become entrepreneurs be it small scale business or an organization especially when the odds are against you.
Today DJ skylla is using platforms such as Facebook and YouTube to market his brand after looking for other platforms such as main stream media proved unsuccessful. Even with these difficulties he vows to make Skyllah entertainment Empire a reality, a living proof that the society may write you off but you can choose to change your story through hard work and dedication.
Joseph story is one that depicts the need and urgency in creating awareness as well as training to persons with disabilities to manage credits loans they might borrow. The bank institutions should as well come out and see potential customers in persons with disabilities.