27 Disability Mainstreaming in Action - Page 1
How to Apply and Get a Disability Certificate in Kenya
A Disability Certificate in Kenya is now an official document issued by the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) that identifies an individual as having a disability. One needs to apply to get the disability certificate. Very soon the disability identity card (ID) will no longer be used.
Assistive Technology for Emergency Preparedness for Diverse Disabilities
In times of crisis, emergency preparedness is essential for everyone, but it becomes especially critical for persons with disabilities. Assistive technology for emergency preparedness provides life-saving tools that ensure individuals with diverse disabilities can respond effectively to emergencies. From mobility aids to communication devices, these technologies bridge the gap in accessibility, ensuring that during disasters, no one is left behind.
Disability and Climate Change: What It Means and How Disability Communities in Kenya Can Adapt
As extreme weather events become more common, it’s essential to focus on climate resilience—the ability to adapt, survive, and thrive in the face of climate-related disruptions. This article explores disability and climate change, climate resilience and what they mean to persons with disabilities and offers strategies for better adapting to climate change.
5 Scholarships for Persons With Disabilities
As a learner with disability, you may be entitled to one of these scholarships.
5 Rights of Kenyans with Disabilities
Some people with disabilities do not know what rights they are entitled to.
5 Frameworks Advocating for persons with disabilities
Here are 4 global treaties to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.
International Day of the Girl Child 2020
We must ingrain into society the importance of educating a girl with disability.
Protecting rights of Kenyans with disabilities in the pandemic
Adopt measures to appropriately respond to the pandemic, ensuring inclusion and the effective participation of all persons with disabilities.
New Law Protects Mental Health victims
A new mental health bill seeks to protect persons with mental health conditions.
World Cerebral Palsy Day
We need to set goals for this World Cerebral Palsy Day.
New Disability Assessment: A win
Kenya has new guidelines for assessment of disabilities. Here are the benefits.
Participation in Politics: The Challenge
Persons with disabilities are the largest minority at any given population.
UN Calls for More Inclusion
UN Secretary-General persons with disabilities should have equal opportunities.
Persons With Disabilities on Screen
The Academy of Motion Picture wants to encorage diversity on in films.
PWDs in War-Torn Regions
Nujeen Mustafa has called on the UN and others to protect Persons With Disabilities in war regions.
Social Protection Services
Here are 3 social protection services the government should implement in Kenya.
Roadmap to Inclusive Development
Inclusion, non-discrimination and equity are pillars of development programmes.
Building the Nation With PWDs
Persons with Disabilities are vital for how we want to develop Kenya.