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How to Take Care of Your Mental Health

As described in The Importance of Mental Health, mental health is a state of emotional and mental well-being. Understanding the importance of mental health is necessary, but the hard part can be putting mental health care into practice. This article will describe several tips and advice for monitoring and improving your mental health.

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(Madison Lavern/

Support Your Mental Health

People all over the world, with disabilities or without, can suffer from emotional or mental health problems. However, there are steps that almost everyone can take in order to reduce the stress and sadness that can result from uncontrollable events.  

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Harmful Behaviors

One of the worst things you can do for your mental health is to ignore it. When something bad happens in a person’s life, a common reaction is to try to ignore the effect it has on their emotions, which prevents them from dealing with their feelings in a constructive way. Others try to distract themselves through harmful behaviors which can include turning to drugs or alcohol, which creates even more negative effects on your mental health. Some individuals hope their mental health problems will just go away on their own, but mental health is something that requires effort in order to improve. Here are some healthy practices to improve your mental health and become more resilient in the future. 

Helpful Behaviors

1. Talk to others

One way to improve your mental health is by talking to others about how you’re feeling. It’s important to find people in your life who will really listen to you, and allow you to be honest about how you are feeling. Reaching out to others is a sign of strength, and the right people will be happy to listen to you. If you do not currently feel like you have someone to talk to, reach out to acquaintances or try joining a new club or self-help group.

2. Engage in calming activities 

Think about the activities you do that make you feel calm or happy. Activities like listening to music, making art, reading a book, or writing in a journal can be productive ways to calm your body and improve your mental health. 

3. Deep breathing

Deep breathing is a great way to lower your stress levels. Going outdoors and into nature is a nice way to get fresh air and take some deep breaths. However, taking a moment to just breathe can be done anytime, wherever you are. 

4. Mindful eating 

Your diet can affect many aspects of your mood and mental health. Stick to foods like fruits and vegetables which boost your mood and energy, and try to stay away from processed foods. Pay attention to which foods make you feel good, and avoid foods which drain your energy.


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